With MotoSync's Work-Life WiFi feature set, users can manage their MotoSync - powered WiFi system while working from home by setting up Home and Work networks (SSIDs). This also allows the user to grant their company's IT teams the visibility needed to offer additional support and secure corporate data.

MotoSync's Work-Life WiFi provides users with two key features.

  • Private network - The ability to limit the visibility of a network that is being broadcasted in your home. The network will only be visible in the MotoSync App.
  • Isolate devices - Securely isolate devices so they can’t talk to each other. Disables device-to-device actions like AirPlay.

Creating multi SSIDs

1. Navigate to the Network page of the app.

2. Scroll down to the heading, WiFi networks, and tap the + Add network link on the upper right-hand corner of the square.


3. Under the Credentials heading, enter an SSID name and password (see example network name below: Workwifi).


4. Under the Security heading, choose whether to toggle the “Private network” switch on to limit the visibility of the network to your home.

Please note, enabling "Private network" will set this network to only appear in your MotoSync App. As the end-user, you will have the sole ability to manage this network, ie setting the SSID and password.


5. Next, under the Security heading, choose whether to toggle the “Isolate devices” switch on to isolate devices on the network so they can’t talk to devices on other networks.

Please note, enabling "Isolate devices" will not allow devices on this new network to communicate with other devices on the other networks. It will act as a guest network. For example, if you have a printer connected to your primary network and connect a laptop to this new network, the laptop would not be able to send files to the printer to print out.

6. Under the Network Type heading, choose whether you want to label the network as Home or Work.

7. Finally, tap the Add network button to finish adding the SSID. The page will redirect to an overview of your new network.


Congratulations! You've successfully created a new network. If you have any questions about Work-Life WiFi features, please reach out to our Customer Success team.